Sunday, April 7, 2013
6:03 AM 0

How does Tattoo Removal Work?

How does tattoo removal work? if you’re thinking about having your tattoo removed, you must be thinking about the procedure and the medical explanations for such procedure, right? Well, different procedures will require different treatments and also preparation, so be sure that you know which treatment you want to choose. It’s important to talk to your doctors first and have long discussion with them. The discussion should include the types of treatments, the pro and cons of each treatment, the cost, and also the possible side effects that you will likely to suffer. Once you’re ready, you can start the treatment right away.

The Laser Treatment
Having laser treatment to make the tattoo go away is one of the most common treatments that people often choose to make their tattoos disappear. Does laser tattoo removal work? Yes, it does, as long as your follow the procedure to the letter. How does tattoo removal work? The principle of having the laser method is to let the laser beam to penetrate into the skin and make the ink pigmentation break away. Once the ink pigmentation breaks into tiny particles which will be swept easily by the body fluids and flushed outside the body, your tattoo won’t be visible anymore and your skin seem to be back to the original condition. This method is guaranteed to be successful 100%. However, not only it’s a bit costly, it also takes several sessions to make the tattoo go away. You may have to spend around $200 to $500 per session. The bigger the tattoo is, the longer time it takes and the more money you will have to spend.

The Home Treatment with Creams
There’s other possible solution where you don’t need to have medical procedures or treatments at all. The so called tattoo removal cream is already available for purchase, but does tattoo removal cream work? Although some of the popular brands say that the cream can really help removing the tattoo for good, such thing has never been proven. The reason why it doesn’t work at all is because it’s working on different skin layer. When you have tattoo, you will have ink under the layer of your skin. The creams or ointment is only applied on the skin surface, making it impossible to reach the ink. Sure, you may experience blurry  or fading tattoo visibility, but it’s still there and it won’t go anywhere. If you don’t want to spend your money for nothing, forget this method.

There’re other options where you can have tattoo grafting, surgical excisions, or saline injections. In tattoo grafting and surgical excisions, doctors will make cut on your tattoo and remove it away before they will stitch it back. Does this tattoo removal hurt? Only after the drug wears off. You will have to spend some time for the recovery. Saline injection is using saline substance to break away the pigmentation. It requires several sessions, but at least it’s working well than the cream. Consider the best method and know for sure of how does tattoo removal work so you can get clear picture of what you’re going to deal with.


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